huh I'm really tension after received my spm result...
well it's not only me who was tension after what we get.
me and my friends cey_ay, faez ,acap, and ciga have decided
to release our tension by enjoying the nature haha...
we went to kelong located at Sabak Bernam
oh my god..... it's take about 1 hour to this place
my back really hurt because I sat on the motorcycle sit too long..
but it is worth..
huh this place really have the nature aura..
the breeze huh.... makes me want to stay there forever
I admit it....
wonderful view
we can see all the belacak fish comes out from here..
Ciga taking advantage to show his smiling when i snap the picture....
well it's not only me who was tension after what we get.
me and my friends cey_ay, faez ,acap, and ciga have decided
to release our tension by enjoying the nature haha...
we went to kelong located at Sabak Bernam
oh my god..... it's take about 1 hour to this place
my back really hurt because I sat on the motorcycle sit too long..
but it is worth..
huh this place really have the nature aura..
the breeze huh.... makes me want to stay there forever
I admit it....
p/s: to every ones when you feel depress don't kill your self,come here enjoy to the nature hak3..
eittt!! gi x ajak aq! cis!
ko tk ckp nk ikot hehehe.....
weyh..kelong nie aq ingt xde ape...rupenyer cantek jugak yer..
awat x gy BNO jew???
aku pon tk tau mule2 nie pon faez ngan c.a yg ajak
best gak le.. angin kt situ kaut aku rase cam nk tido je kt situ hak3..
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