name:C.a@cey_ay Real name: HAfizuddin Hometown:Gopeng, Perak Details: Hafizuddin work part time as a singer(bathroom & dorm) Champion of B6 rubber rop jumping competition. Like to become model as you can see in the picture His idol is Rihana Dont ever try to make him mad ifnot you'll be sleeping for a long time
Name:ciga Real name:Fairuz Hometown:Ipoh, Perak Details: Called as the guardian of semeti SRC/library He want to be a model Thinks he so slim(picture) Head of Ciga Teory Inventor Club (KRRC)
Name:Faez@ezah Real name:Faez Hometown: Hutan Melintang, Perak Details:Part time model Miss...ter semesti
p/s bende ni saje-saje nk bergurau jgn marah hehehe...
teringat kisah lalu... disebabkan ketandusan idea hehe... nie la yg dpt aku post mangnangkn kisah aku di SEMESTI macam satu mimpi tk sedar pon 5 tahon aku dudok kat bumi semesti. skang nie dh kluar dh pon sedihnye waaa.. walaupon aku terpakse mengikuti jadual nye yg padat tapi dh form 5 baru brani nk escape preb terutamenye lepas balek smayang jumaat hehehe... ramai gile kat hostel mase tu sumenye dibawa arus mimpi haha... bile terkenag rase sronok berkejar-kejaran ngan warden sbb blek awal prep malam.
to Jamal... happy birthday tidak ku sangka engkau sudah besar hahah.. #gud luck in your life #wish for the best in what ever you want to do #the last one may ALLAH bless you